Learn Excel Online for MIS Reporting, Data Cleaning, Data Analysis, Charting, Time-saver tricks with Examples
What you'll learn
- Formulas and Functions, MIS Reporting techniques, Data Cleaning, Dashboards, Data Analysis, Charts, Tips-n-Tricks
- Lifetime access to the Videos
- Donwloadable PDF HandBook and Excel Case Studies
- HD Quality available upon single-click [bottom-right of video]
- MS Excel 2007/2010
"Advanced Excel Ninja" is a comprehensive online training program on Microsoft Excel. It is divided in 12 sections and covers exhaustive list of topics. There are 90+ tutorial videos and the duration is 13 hrs. Topics often ignored in other advanced online programs have been included. Demo Preview Lecture 89 and 90 to find the difference.
- VLOOKUP() with MATCH()
- HLOOKUP() with MATCH()
- INDEX() with multiple arrays & two MATCH()
- Using TRANSPOSE() formula
- Form Control Buttons for Dashboard
- SUMIF() vs. SUMIFS()
- SUM() vs. SUBTOTAL() while using Filter
- Hidden Text-to-Columns tricks
- Using IFERROR() vs. IF() + ISERROR()
- Applications of INDIRECT() and OFFSET()
- Pivot Table tricks on calculating automatic sum, count, percentage and generating grouped data headings
- 3-Data Consolidation
- Power of "GO TO - Special" along with Ctrl+Enter
- Using "Find and Replace" with wildcard characters
- Combo techniques for Data cleaning
- Formula-based Conditional formatting
- Charts - Thermometer, 2 axis, Trendline, Axis value settings
- Inserting Picture in Comments... and the list of such tricks is very long
- Is a qualified Chartered Accountant
- Has worked with KPMG and J.P. Morgan
- Has trained 12,500+ professionals (Apr 2010 - June 2016) in face-to-face training programs
- Has incorporated in this online program 100s of tip-n-tricks, which he has acquired over the years through various forums, experimentation, problem solving challenges and training interaction
Instructor: CA. Rishabh Pugalia, Founder, Excel Next
The participants will be provided lifetime access to videos plus downloadable Excel Case Studies and picture-based HandBook (PDF).
Who this course is for:
- Working Professionals, Students of Professional Courses
- Aspiring Corporate Trainers (Advanced Excel)