Advanced UAV Photogrammetry - Part 2 - Pix4D Mapper - 2019

Udemy Advanced UAV Photogrammetry - Part 2 - Pix4D Mapper - 2019

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Master Pix4D Mapper on real-life examples with the most complete course on the market! Pix4D Mapper Tutorial

What you'll learn
  • Pix4D Mapper data procesing
  • Optimal PC specification for Pix4D Mapper
  • Preparing your PC to work with Pix4D Mapper
  • Optimal processing options for your project
  • Various outputs generation
  • Point cloud clean-up and classification
  • Improving Pix4D Mapper’s outputs
  • Volume calculations in Pix4D Mapper
  • Project splitting and merging
  • Pro Tips!

  • This course is for beginners and advanced drone users. I will show everything from the beginning. Advanced users will certainly can improve their skills
  • Decent PC to process UAV data
  • Pix4D Mapper (trial or full version)
  • Basic computer skills

Master UAV Photogrammetry data processing in Pix4D Mapper with the most complete course on the market!
Achieve the most accurate results with UAV Photogrammetry on real-world examples.

This course covers:
  1. Creating a new project,
  2. Choosing optimal processing options,
  3. Accurate georeferencing using GCPs,
  4. GCP marking,
  5. Ellipsoid error correction
  6. Quality assessment,
  7. Project splitting and merging,
  8. Tips and tricks
and more!

I will show you how to create: point cloud, 3D textured mesh, orthomosaic, DSM, DTM and contour lines using real-world examples from my everyday jobs.
This course is second part of 4 course series “Advanced UAV photogrammetry”. It is for beginner and advanced users.

If I had to describe this course series in one sentence, I would say: “This is exactly the course I wish I had when I first started surveying with UAV Photogrammetry".
Pix4D Mapper Tutorial
Who this course is for:
  • Little or more experienced drone operators
  • Land surveyors who want to learn UAV photogrammetry
First release
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