Building microservices using core 5.0 and docker

Udemy Building microservices using core 5.0 and docker

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Building Event-Driven Microservices apps Using AspNet Core 5.0, Rabbitmq, Masstransit, Face detection and SignalR Core

What you'll learn
  • building event-driven microservices apps using aspnet core 5.0, rabbitmq,masstransit, signalr core and face detection

  • Intermediate knowledge of C#

This course is going to teach you how to build event-driven microservices apps using the latest dotnet core version 5.0.
While you learn microservices apps, you will practice how to design microservices which communicate via a message bus, via HTTP Rest and also via SignalR Core.
The course will teach you the message-driven architecture as applied to an image processing app through which you will get to learn the important libraries available for image processing with C#.
You will also have a go at using the Microsoft Azure's Freely Available Face Detection facility to get your faces detected and sent back to your application instead of doing it by yourself. To that end, you will learn how to get Face API keys from Azure site and adapt your code so that it can communicate with that service offered by MS.
You will learn how to convert jpeg images to byte arrays for transmission over the message bus and also over the Http channel, and how to store them in database tables in byte array format. . You will also learn how to get back the original images from the byte arrays.
You will learn how to dockerize your microservices and orchestrate them via docker-compose technology.

Who this course is for:
  • distributed application developers preffering to use aspnet core technoology stack
First release
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