Launch your project on your own.
It's as simple as a decision to get started.
Coding for Entrepreneurs is a series of project-based programming courses designed to teach non-technical founders how to launch and build their own projects. Learn Python, Django, Angular, Typescript, Web Application Development, Web Scraping, and more.

Never Coded Before? Not a problem.
From walking to reading, every skill takes time to acquire. Coding software isn't different. Time and effort is all you need and we're here show you the way by:
Build real projects built step-by-step.
Technology has made the 21st century, the century of the entrepreneur. Thanks to the power of the internet, you can reach a global audience in minutes.
If you're starting (or have started) a business in today's tech driven economy, then you need to understand the code that's driving your business.
Top Down, Not Bottom Up
Our approach is simple and the opposite of how school typically works.
Build something real first, then uncover why each piece works the way it does.
And not the other way around.
You see, this method allows you to start to gain confidence as well as helps you formulate questions like:
"How do I save a form without the page reloading?"
"How can I scrape this webpage every day to track changes?"
"How do I save this data to a group of users?"