Learn Automatic Dependency Injection, Test Automation Framework Development using Spring Boot & Cucumber BDD.
What you'll learn
- By the end of the course, You will be able to develop an awesome Test Automation framework
- Expertise to become Lead SDET / Automation Architect
- Executing tests in multiple test environments like DEV / QA / STG / PRD
- Localization Testing using Spring Property Sources
- Parallel test execution in local / remote grid
- Data Driven Testing using Spring Data JPA
- Cucumber
- Automatic window/frame switching using Aspect oriented programming (AOP)
- Spring Boot & Cucumber BDD integration
- Java 8 knowledge
- Basics of Selenium
Spring Boot is so popular in the Java community and makes the developer life easier by handling most of the routine activities. The aim of this course is to use Spring Boot to create a test automation framework with Cucumber.
- Automatic dependency injection
- Manage the WebDriver instance
- Manage Page objects / fragments
- Executing tests in multiple test environments like DEV / QA / STG / PRD
- Localization testing for multiple languages
- Data driven testing using Spring Data JPA
- Cucumber feature files execution
- Accessing resources
- Automatic window/frame switching, screenshots using Aspect oriented programming
- Parallel test execution in local / remote grid using Spring Profiles
- Anybody who has interests in Test Automation
- Sr SDET / Lead / Principal / Architect SDET
- Spring Boot Developers who want to learn Test Automation
- Test Automation Framework design