Is your inbox triggering anxiety? Turn your chaotic Gmail inbox into an organized, streamlined space of communication!
KeywordsInbox Zero
Email Workflow
Email Productivity
Master Gmail
Gmail System
Digital Declutter
“The inbox class for entrepreneurs with anxiety”
We spend a lot of time in our inbox every day.
But because our brains aren’t made for information-heavy environments,
our inbox experience tends to trigger what’s called digital anxiety.
We’ve created a straight-to-the-point inbox class that will help you turn your
inbox time into a playful, energizing experience.
Here are the six modules:
• Get a full walkthrough of the features found in your Gmail inbox
• See a demo of what your new inbox will look and feel like
• Tweak your desktop settings to remove visuals that are needlessly taking up space in your inbox
• Tweak your mobile settings so you can view your new inbox on mobile too
• Learn the methodology and color theory behind this inbox system
• Design and set up your folders
• Learn about what emails you should be letting go of
• Declutter your emails one section at a time
• Learn how automatic filters work
• Set up your filters to automatize the labelling of your emails
• Learn about timeblocking and how to set aside time for inbox management
• Learn the step-by-step process to upkeep your inbox, including:
- sorting your new emails
- managing your to-do list
- managing your newsletters
Who this course is for:
- Creatives, entrepreneurs and freelancers with digital anxiety