Introduction to Programming: C/C++

Udemy Introduction to Programming: C/C++

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What you'll learn​

  • Programming Fundamentals
  • C Programming
  • C++ Programming
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Introductory Software Development
  • Computer Science
  • Procedural Programming
  • Explicit Typing
  • Implicit Typing
  • Generic Typing


  • Internet access


In this course, students will learn elementary programming concepts with the C language, with an additional section studying C++ and the relation between the two languages. Learning C will allow students to develop the basic skills for procedural programming and the fundamentals of object-orientation, as well as a short study of C++. Students can use this knowledge to take on learning higher-level languages such as C#, Java, and Python in an accelerated manner. The class will focus on building programming skills from fundamental keywords to high-level abstraction, in hopes that the student will then continue on to learning a high-level programming language afterward.

Students will learn the following aspects of programming using the C language:
Section 1:
-Introduction, how to succeed in the course
-What is C, understanding programming, setup
-Hello World
-Data Types
-Input and Output
-Introducing Conditionals
-Nested Conditionals, Switches
Section 2:
-Logic Operators
-Loops: for, while
-Arrays, Matrices
Section 3:
-Strings/String Functions, ASCII
-Function Pointers
-The void Pointer, Static
Section 4:
-Memory Management
-Memory Functions: malloc, calloc, realloc
-Dynamic Strings and Arrays
-Error Handling
Section 5:
-Working With Files, Binary File I/O, Random Generation
-Preprocessor Directives, Scope, Headers
-Conditional Compilation Directives
-Preprocessor Operators
Section 6 - C++:
-Differences: new data types (strings, boolean), function/argument overloading
-Intro to Classes (constructors, objects)
-Intermediate Classes: class headers, namespaces, member initializer lists
-Advanced Classes: access keywords, 'this', 'friend', inheritance and polymorphism
-Abstract Classes/Interfaces, 'virtual', operator overloading
-Generic Types/Classes (Templates), Exceptions
-Files, Enumerations
Section 7 - Capstone:
-Final exam
-Final assignment
-Capstone project

Optional textbooks:
-"C Programming Language, 2nd Edition" by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie (Various prices by format and rental); this book is extremely well-known in the programming community for being fundamental to developing one's skills with programming languages.
-"The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference, 1st Edition" by Nicolai M. Josuttis (Various prices by format and rental, very cheap on eBay)

Who this course is for:​

  • Students interested in learning programming with any level of experience, but especially beginners or anyone unfamiliar with C or C++ as well.
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