- Most of their java courses (15) - Most of their java courses (15)

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Java Specialists is an advanced-level java trainer. He teaches quite advanced courses with java. These are the courses I was able to gather and then compressed them for your enjoyment. Basically most of the stuff you can find on his site...

Originally it was all close to 100-150GB, but after compression it now totals around 9gb.
If code or slides were available I included that too.

The 15 courses included + 2 books from O'Reilly, recommended in these courses:
  • bits and bytes, 0.3GB -- how to do bit manipulation with java
  • build your own circulararraylist, 0.05gb -- how to create a circular queue basically
  • data structures in java, 0.67GB -- how to use lists, maps, queues, etc.
  • dynamic proxies in java, 0.95GB -- why and how and when to use this advanced structural coding pattern
  • extreme java advanced topics, 0.91GB -- advanced techniques for the java coder with at least 1-2 years of experience
  • extreme java concurrency & performance, 1.81GB -- threading, gc, streams, etc using java 8 and higher syntax
  • !UPDATED! intellij wizardry v2022, 0.5GB -- intellij ide tips and tricks
  • java concurrency specialist, 1.12GB -- intermediate+ level topics about threads, pools, synchronization, etc.
  • java design patterns v5, 1.5GB -- one of the best parts of this collection, not just for java devs but for anyone who wants to really understand when / why / how to use the various design patterns
  • mastering threads, 0.25GB -- beginner level lectures about threads, thread pools, etc, using java 11 or higher syntax
  • refactoring to java 8 streams and lambdas, 0.67GB -- grabbing an open source project and refactor it from old java syntax live
  • solving java memory leaks live class 2019, 0.37GB -- a shorter live class about finding memory leaks
  • threading essentials, 0.05GB -- the very basics of parallelism in java
  • transmogrifier java nio and non-blocking io, 0.22GB -- a mini course writing the same server code 3x with different methods
  • new 24/march: Reflection: write dynamically reusable code in java 0.3GB
  • O'Reilly 's Head First Java 3rd edition, 2022 (java17) + Head First Design Patterns 2nd edition 2021 (java)
    also included - as these come recommended by the course author.

Enjoy! I know I'll be referring back to these still years from now.
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