Learn with Java, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring OAuth, Bootstrap and more
What you'll learn
- Understand What OAuth 2.0 Framework is about.
- Understand why we need to use OAuth 2.0 Framework.
- Understand the workflow of OAuth 2.0.
- Know how to develop SSO using third parties like facebook, google with Spring Framework
- Know how to develop Client, Authorization Server and Resource Server with Spring Framework
- Basic knowledges on java, html/css, javascript, spring framework
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What is OAuth?
If you are a software developer, you've probably heard of OAuth. OAuth provides to clients a "secure delegated access" to server resources on behalf of a resource owner. It specifies a process for resource owners to authorize third-party access to their server resources without sharing their credentials. Designed specifically to work with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), OAuth essentially allows access tokens to be issued to third-party clients by an authorization server, with the approval of the resource owner. The third party then uses the access token to access the protected resources hosted by the resource server.
What is OAuth 2.0?
OAuth 2.0 is the latest version of OAuth Framework. It is not backwards compatible with OAuth 1.0, as OAuth 1.0 has a variety of issues. Instead, OAuth 2.0 provides specific authorization flows for web applications, desktop applications, mobile phones, and living room devices. Facebook's Graph API only supports OAuth 2.0. Google supports OAuth 2.0 as the recommended authentication mechanism for all of its APIs. The OAuth 2.0 Framework and Bearer Token Usage were published in October 2012.
Why OAuth 2.0?
OAuth 2 is almost everywhere on the web today and nearly everyone has used it in some form or another. As an open standard for authorization, it has been adopted by a lot of big companies such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft,Twitter and etc.
Why this course?
There are plenty of materials you can find online on this hot topic but a lot of times, when you finish reading those materials, you still feel vague in your head what OAuth 2.0 is and why and how to use it. This could be due to the nature of OAuth 2.0 framework, as itself is a relatively complex thing to understand. This course tries to tackle the problem from theory and hands on perspective.
First, We will be starting from the basics on OAuth 2.0 and then going to details of roles and workflows.
Second, we will build a demo app using OAuth for Single Sign-On (SSO). We will be leveraging Facebook as the service and identity provider.
Third, we will use Spring Framework to implement each role in the OAuth 2.0 framework. Specifically, they are Client App, Authorization Server and Resource Server. This will give you a deeper understanding on how OAuth 2.0 framework works.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who is interested in OAuth 2.0