MuleSoft Integration Real Time Use Cases : for newbies

Udemy MuleSoft Integration Real Time Use Cases : for newbies

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End of this course you will be a confident developer who is ready to take challenges on MuleSoft (Mule 4 x)

What you'll learn
  • Learn a concept of real time projects
  • Complete CRUD operations with MySQL bootcamp (Create, retrieve, update, delete)

  • Anyone who has completed basic Mule 4 fundamentals
  • Who want to start working as Mulesoft Developer

This course is for newbies, students, developers, and architects who want to get hands-on lab experience using the Anypoint Platform to build APIs and integrations.

1) Learn CRUD Operations (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) step by step.
2) University Project API-Led Connectivity along with REST Connect Connector Generator.
3) Salesforce and MySQL DB Integration along with CloudHub deployment.
4) Complete Led Connectivity Project on Jira & ServiceNow & Salesforce Integration - How to Design, Develop, and Build a SystemAPI, ProcessAPI, and ExperienceAPI Layers.

End of this course you will be a confident developer who is ready to take challenges on MuleSoft (Mule 4 x)

This course has 100% Practical real time use cases.

Who this course is for:
  • Who want gain knowledge on real time projects examples
  • Who are struggling and searching CRUD operations
First release
Last update
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