Learn and Understand Advanced Python Programming Concepts Along With Latest Updates With Python Newer Versions!
What you'll learn
- Learn Uncommon Python Topics (Regular Expressions, Decorators, Logging & More)
- Learn In-depth about Recursion (Tracing Tree, Call Stack, Factorial)
- Understand In-depth about Regular Expressions (Multiple Examples and Tools)
- Understand About Recent Python Version 3.8 Updates (Walrus Operator, f String Update)
- Understand About Recent Python Version 3.9 Updates (Union Operator, Type Hinting, String Methods, Native Time)
- Basic Knowledge Of Python
Welcome to Python Programming - Advanced Concepts, this course touches each and every important advanced concept of Python with it's latest version Python 3.8 and Python 3.9,
Throughout the course, we will explore the advanced python topics -
- Recursion
- Lambda Functions
- Map, Filter and Reduce
- List Comprehension
- Regular Expression
- Decorators
- Logging
- Date and Time
- Updates With Python 3.8
- Walrus Operator - Updates With Python 3.9
- Union Operators
- Type Hinting
- Zoneinfo
Who this course is for:
- Students (Computer Science / Non-Computer Science) who wants to learn Uncommon Python concepts from the scratch