Talk Python - Python for Absolute Beginners Course

Talk Python - Python for Absolute Beginners Course

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Course Summary​

Learning to program can be overwhelming. Concepts and facts come at you fast and most courses don't cover many of them at all or at a beginner's pace. This is not most courses. Python for absolute beginners is our premier course for beginning developers. We start at the very beginning, teaching you the big ideas and concepts covered in a CS 101 course. Then we move on to writing increasingly complex code and applications in Python.

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What's this course about and how is it different?​

Most courses teach you the facts of programming and Python. Here is how a loop is constructed. Here is how you test a condition and make your program choose one path or another. Often they assume that you are familiar with programming concepts such as data types, loops, functions, and so on and that you just need to learn the details of how to do this in Python.
This course is not most courses. If you want ground up coverage of software development using Python as the technology, this is your course!
We spend significant time setting the stage to make sure you have the big concepts clearly covered before diving into writing code. We explicitly discuss how to approach problem solving when writing code so that you don't have that deer in the headlines feeling.
And the course content isn't just facts. You will see a lot of code written before your eyes. That code isn't boring foo() this and bar() that. We build several fun and challenging games covering a wide range of topics that will be entirely relevant to your professional projects.
If you never had that formal computer science background but need to jump into programming and Python, this course has your back.
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