Test Driven Development with Node js

Udemy Test Driven Development with Node js

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Build a complete fully functional backend rest application with express.js by testing nodejs with jest

What you'll learn
  • Test Driven Development
  • Express js
  • Node js
  • Jest
  • Sequelize
  • RestFul API

  • Experience with JavaScript required

In this course we will be building a fully functional backend service with express js. we will call our application as hoaxify.
while building this application, we will learn

  • how we can build a restful web service with express js, with all necessary functionalities like validation, internationalization, static resource serving, caching, json manipulation, interacting with external services
  • how we can handle database operations with orm package, sequelize.
  • how we can manage database version history and migrations
and we will see
  • how test driven development works.
  • how it's affecting our code quality, reusability
  • how it's giving us the confidence about refactoring our implementation
  • how we can deploy the application to heroku
  • how we can create an instance in google cloud and deploy our application to it
  • and how we can automate the deployment with github actions.
This course is purely built on practice. Each code piece we write, will be for our actual application implementation.
In each section we will gradually build our application. We will not jump ahead and add functionality not needed for that moment. We will implement one requirement at a time. Each implementation will bring the next requirement to us.
And following this practice, will help you to get a solid foundation about overall rest web services requirements and how to implement one of them with node js by following test driven development methodology.

Who this course is for:
  • Developer who wants to see Test Driven Development in action
  • Developers who are interested in with Node's Express framework
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    Course Updated 4-2021