Kitze - Zero To Shipped

Kitze - Zero To Shipped

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An engaging video course

Master Fast-Paced Fullstack Development.
Finally ship that product.

Feeling intimidated by fullstack development? Wondering how can some developers ship a functional app in one day? This engaging video course demystifies and simplifies the process, helping you build and ship products quickly. Turn the scary world of fullstack development into an approachable and enjoyable experience.

What is this?
This is an engaging video course, but it's not your typical programming course. You will learn:

Fullstack development
Proper mindset for shipping products
All of my tools & workflows
Let me explain.

You will learn to ship fast​

People constantly ask me "how do you ship so fast" but when I tell them the answer they'll usually say "B..bu.. but that's not the right way to do things!!!"

The obsession with doing things "the right way" is the reason many devs haven't shipped a single project. I don't want to only teach you about a technology stack. Technology stacks come and go.

I want to teach you fullstack development, but to also change your mindset about development overall. I'll show you two magical lines of code that at first will make you scream in agony, punch some drywall, have a shower and a drink and ask for a full refund. But after a while you'll realize that I just changed your webdev game forever.

You will learn to laser focus​

I've always had a single goal: to ship apps and bring value to the end user. I want to teach you how to do that without getting obsessed and getting lost in useless metrics, arbitrary numbers, optimizing your bundle size, network requests, and stuff that doesn't matter.

ThOuGhTLeAdErS will fill your head with nonsense that doesn't matter when shipping an app. Will it scale? Will it rerender? Is it memoized? Is it optimized enough? Will it fetch 1 extra kb of data? Will it load in 0.1 ms when a user in an igloo on 2G connection loads it on an old Android phone? None of this matters if you want to ship. You're not Facebook.

You will ship your projects​

Most developers don't ship. Most developers have hundreds of unused subdomains. You probably have a note called "side project ideas" that's gathering dust. Renaming that note to "shipped side projects" is simpler than you think.

I will guide you from the moment you scaffold your app, to shipping it in production.

Satoru Gojo
First release
Last update
4.25 star(s) 4 ratings

More resources from Satoru Gojo

Latest updates

  1. New Update

    Course Updated 3-2024

Latest reviews

Thanks a lot.
Hello, can you update the course with the news videos ?


Uploaded the first 100 videos (10+ hrs of content)

Jul 27

My daughter was born! (slight delay in recording)

Sep 12

Uploaded 13 new videos (+1.5 hr of content)

Dec 15

Uploaded 9 new videos (+1 hr of content)

Dec 18

Uploaded 8 new videos (+1 hr of content)

Dec 19

Uploaded 2 new videos

Dec 20

Uploaded 5 new videos

Jan 10

Uploaded 3 new videos

Jan 15

Uploaded 7 new videos

Jan 16

Thanks !!
This course is still in the development (as of 22 Sep 2023):

Only 98 videos has been recorded so far. Still in the early stage doing basic frontend stuff.

The course will be so valuable when the advanced content as advertised is released.

The course status as of 22 Sep 2023 (source: the course website):

Main content (90 modules)
Advanced content (50 modules)
Bonus content (24 modules)
good content!