Yoga International - Morning and Evening Routines for Everyday Health and Well-Being

Yoga International - Morning and Evening Routines for Everyday Health and Well-Being

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Every day our senses are subjected to myriad stimuli. Yet, it’s easy to forget that taking a few minutes out of our day to take care of our senses can support our overall well-being and enhance our most basic experiences such as tasting food and sleeping. In this 10-part program, ayurveda practitioner and author Indu Arora brings you simple morning and evening practices (dinacharya) from one of the world’s oldest healing systems. Beginning and ending your day with these self-care routines can boost your mental clarity, keep your senses attuned to the world around you, and improve your overall health.

The program’s routines are designed to support your senses and your whole body. The morning cleansing practices are for your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and face. The evening wind-down routines include nasal cleansing, a breathing practice to aid digestion, relaxing stretches for your feet, a gentle yoga practice for rejuvenation and deep sleep, and bedtime relaxation. The course begins with a short demo on how to give your eyes TLC to support all the work they do and closes with a guided savasana practice you can do to unwind at the end of the day or fall asleep at bedtime.

The format of this program is customizable. You can simply watch the videos and/or take notes on what particularly interests you or you can do the routines that Indu shares along with her. If you’re intrigued by the idea of joining, read through the video descriptions to see what materials you’ll need to have on hand ahead of time.

Enjoy these self-care experiences you can integrate into your day for a more joyful and healthful life journey.
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