Pait Academy - Web Design Sales Mastery

Pait Academy - Web Design Sales Mastery

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Sep 4, 2021
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Pait Academy - Web Design Sales Mastery - Pait Academy - Web Design Sales Mastery

The truth is... It's not the client's fault, it's our fault.​

Whether we know it or not, we are the ones that set the value of our services.

The way we speak, the pitch of our voice, the speed at which we talk, and the words we say all determine how much the client will be wiling to pay.

That's why I made this course...​

Before I was a freelancer, I worked as a door-to-door salesman. Between myself and my team, we did millions in revenue for our company.

When I left that job to become a full-time freelance web designer, I quickly found that it wasn't the most skilled designers who made the most money, it was the most skilled salesmen.

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