21 Days of Learning English

Udemy 21 Days of Learning English

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Build your Confidence and Improve your English


This course will help you build confidence and improve your English. I will guide you through short, daily activities, where we will add English into your normal routine and build the habit of using the language. This course is for people with some basic understanding of the English Language already.
There are lots of ways to improve your English, but if you are feeling like your English is not improving, or you still don't have confidence using the language, this course will help you.
There are no boring verb tables, complicated grammar or vocabulary you will never use. Instead, this course will help you use English in real-life situations in a fun and natural way. Each activity will only take 20 minutes, but there are additional exercises if you have time to do more and more challenging activities if you want to improve fast. By the end of the course, you will feel more confident using English in both formal and informal situations.
They say it takes 21 days to create a habit. With this course, learning English will become like a natural part of your day and also feel enjoyable.
The course has been designed so you can repeat it as many times as you want. Maybe 21 days is enough for you, but you could try to keep going for one month, 90 days or even the whole year. The activities I have created can be repeated again and again.

Who this course is for:​

  • You know some English already. Maybe you have used textbooks or apps before. You learned some grammar at school, or you might be having lessons now.
  • But... you feel nervous when you speak, or you believe your English isn't good enough when you need to use it.
  • You need to use more English for a new job, or to progress in your career
  • You have avoided work with certain clients or customers because you believe your English isn't good enough
  • You want to move abroad or travel
  • You have practiced for years but still don't feel confident
  • You can read or listen but your mind stops working when you need to speak
  • You rely on translation apps to write emails
  • You avoid speaking English on the phone
  • You are bored of verb tables and grammar lessons
  • You want to start using English in your normal life
Satoru Gojo
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