Complete Guide to XML For Microsoft Developers

Udemy Complete Guide to XML For Microsoft Developers

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XML, XPATH, XSLT, XQuery, XSD, XML in SQLServer, C#, LINQ, and PowerShell, Saxonica

What you'll learn
  • Uses and History of XML and Basics of Well-Formed XML
  • Mapping XML using XSLT (1.0 and 3.0, including Saxon Library)
  • XPath (used in XSLT, XQuery, and programming)
  • SQL XML, reading XML into SQL, processing XML Columns
  • Using C# to Process XML, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
  • Using PowerShell to Process XML
  • Creating HTML from XML (using XSLT)
  • Extracting and Formatting XML from SQL databases
  • Serialization and Deserialization (to and from XML)
  • Use of the XSD utility to generate schemas from classes and classes from schemas
  • Converting XML to JSON using Newtonsoft Json library
  • Using PlugsIns to making working with XML easier in Visual Studio, VSCode, and NotePad++

  • While not required, general knowledge of C# and Visual Studio would be useful
  • While not required, experience in some programming language would be useful
  • While not required, knowledge of HTML would be useful for one of the exericses

This course is for Microsoft developers who want a well-rounded approach to XML on the entire Microsoft product-line. It is based on my 19 years of consulting and teaching XML and B2B/Integration. To be a well-rounded developer or architect, you need to be aware of all these features; and that's especially true for BizTalk and Integration Developers.
In addition to learning XML, you will learn XPath, XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language - used to map XML to another XML or HTML), and XQuery. The course shows what is possible with the Microsoft .NET libraries, and what additional features are available by using the third party Saxonica .NET libraries. You will learn how to create and understand XSD Schemas, and how to validate an XML file against a schema.
The programming languages covered as they relate to XML are C#, PowerShell, and T-SQL. You will learn how to read and write XML, and how to navigate and find elements and values in the XML, and how to modify the XML (for example, adding new elements or new attributes).

In Microsoft SQL Server, you will learn 1) how to use XML columns, 2) how to format relational data as XML using the "For XML" clause, and 3) how to take an XML file and query it in SQL, then store it into relational tables.
The course includes the most popular tools used on Windows platforms, including Visual Studio, NotePad++, VSCode, and XMLNotePad.

Who this course is for:
  • C# developers who want to use XML, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
  • PowerShell developers who want to use XML, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
  • SQL developers who want to use use XML, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
  • BizTalk Integration (Middleware) Developers who want a well-rounded background in XML and the surrounding technologies
First release
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