Executive LGPD for foreigners - in English

Udemy Executive LGPD for foreigners - in English

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Learn to understand & comply with the LGPD for foreign businesses. Indispensable for anyone doing business with Brazil.


The Privacy Academy Brazil's Executive LGPD for Foreigners course is the perfect way to arm yourself with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and comply with the LGPD.
The curse has 10 recorded lessons with the correspondent slides attached. As this is a recorded course, you can watch it as many times as you need. This is an excellent approach to learn everything you need to be familiar with the new Brazilian data protection law (LGPD). Since the course uses a very comprehensive language, you don't need previous knowledge of Brazil's law or Law at all. The intention is prepare you, business owner, to have access to a rich content, in plain English.
Through this course, you will gain comprehensive understanding of the LGPD and its implications for foreign businesses, assess compliance risks associated with the LGPD, develop strategies to ensure compliance, identify and assess data security measures necessary to remain compliant, analyze the potential impacts of the LGPD on foreign businesses, create an effective data privacy policy, develop procedures for data collection, storage, and processing, and design effective data privacy and data protection strategies.
This course will provide you with the tools and resources to ensure you are prepared to meet the demands of the LGPD and remain compliant with its regulations. With this knowledge and skills, you will be able to identify potential compliance risks, develop strategies to ensure compliance, and design effective data privacy and data protection strategies.
This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to remain compliant and be prepared for the demands of the LGPD.
The curse is indicated to foreign business owners, international business executives, Brazilian businessmen who have partners abroad, data protection and privacy professionals, consultants, auditors, compliance officers, legal professionals, IT professionals, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about the LGPD and its implications for foreign businesses.
The support material includes all main guides and resolutions by Brazil's Data Protection Authority.

Who this course is for:​

  • Foreign business owners, international business executives, data protection and privacy professionals, compliance officers, legal professionals, IT professionals, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about the LGPD and its implications for foreign businesses.
Satoru Gojo
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