Livelessons - Full-Stack React with Spring Boot

Livelessons - Full-Stack React with Spring Boot

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In recent years, React has emerged as a popular lightweight framework for implementing compelling web-based user interfaces. Using React you can easily integrate with back-end services via REST APIs, and Spring Boot is an excellent framework for implementing REST services. Spring Boot also provides an extremely efficient way to implement data-access logic to access a wide range of relational and NoSQL databases.

This course explains how to use React and Spring Boot to implement solid, performant, and extensible full-stack solutions. It is full of hands-on demos with in-depth explanations so you can see first-hand how to successfully build full-stack applications using React and Spring Boot.
Taught by experienced trainer and author, Andy Olsen, this course is your complete guide to mastering React and Spring Boot systems to enable you to create enticing user interfaces with a solid and well-structured back end.

Topics include
* Creating and running Spring Boot web applications
* Defining and managing components
* Accessing relational and NoSQL databases
* Implementing and consuming REST services
* Creating a React front end
* Consuming a REST API from React
* Implementing a compelling UI in React

Skill Level:

Learn How To
* Create a Spring Boot web application
* Manage Spring Boot beans, properties, and application configuration
* Implement REST services and data access in Spring Boot
* Create a web user interface using React
* Integrate a React user interface with a Spring Boot back end
* Use React techniques to create a compelling UI experience

Who Should Take This Course:
Individuals interesting in creating full-stack applications incorporating a web user interface, REST API, and database integration

Course Requirements:
* Solid Java programming experience
* Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
First release
Last update
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