Make Animated YouTube Videos

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About This Class

Hi there! I'm Evan, creator of the YouTube channel PolyMatter.
The most frequent question I get is "How do you make your videos?", which is a great question and deserving of a short course. The good news is that no part of the process is incredibly difficult, and I'm here to help you learn the basics, from picking a topic, to research, to animation.
This is intended as an introduction, and by the end of this course, you could have your first video uploaded to YouTube!
  • Please feel free to ask questions, experiment, and let me know if there are topics you'd like covered in more detail. I want this class to be the best it can be, so don't be afraid to offer suggestions.
  • You don't need any paid software to get started. I use apps like Affinity Designer, Bear, and Ulysses, all of which are free, have free trials, or have good free alternatives.
  • The video lessons also have notes I've added with links and comments - you can see them by clicking on them in the video player.
I can't wait to see what you make!
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