Make Your English Better Advanced Lessons

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Advanced Lessons: Experiencing the world and opening doors


Make Your English Better is a company that aims to improve your knowledge and use of English through convenient video learning. Each level is molded around American English but through the eyes of an American living in Brazil for more than 12 years. The lessons are applicable to life in every aspect and help you to be able to function on and off the job. This is not a new concept, but it is a new angle, and these lessons and videos can help you to retain what they have worked so hard to learn and take you even further in your knowledge of the English language. The lessons will help you to build your English skills in a way that improves your ability to face challenges, present your ideas, compose an intelligent text and digest what you hear and read in English. The lessons are presented at a faster pace to make the situation more realistic and the texts are more complex. These lessons do more than just teach English, they help improve the person learning from them. Your company has the opportunity to expand and English is a principal tool for that to occur in this connected world. Make Your English Better would like to offer you our solution for your need to improve your ability to maintain, improve and prosper in your English language skills.

Who this course is for:​

  • These lessons will help you to build your English skills in a way that improves your ability to face challenges, present your ideas, compose an intelligent text and digest what you hear and read in English. The lessons are presented at a faster pace to make the situation more realistic and the texts are more complex.
Satoru Gojo
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