Salesforce Lightning Flow Builder - The Complete Guide

Udemy Salesforce Lightning Flow Builder - The Complete Guide

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11x certified Salesforce Admin & Developer takes you by the hand through 10 real world Salesforce Lightning Flows

What you'll learn
  • Using Process Builder with flows
  • How to use Data Loader with a flow to perform mass updates
  • How to trigger Flow from a Button
  • How to Embed a Flow in a Lightning Component
  • Sending emails from Flows
  • Scheduling flows to run on a nightly basis
  • Using loops, decisions, assignments, get, create, and update elements
  • Using the flow debug tool
  • Working with screen flows
  • Frequent updates so the material is up-to-date with the latest release!
  • Leveraging formulas to control output
  • ..and more!

  • No prerequisites to take this course!

Learn the fundamentals of Salesforce Lightning Flow Builder through 10 challenges taken directly from real world examples.
My goal is to deliver a 100-to-1 return in value on your purchase so that you can get a raise at your job, level up your career, or help your clients in a new way.
I'm an eleven time certified Salesforce Admin and Developer (including Platform Developer II) and I've taken 10 real world flows I've built for my company and turned them into learning examples for this course. When I began learning flow builder I felt confused on how to use the tool and wished there was an easier way to learn it. In this course, we'll cover everything from the beginning concepts to the most advanced processes in order to make you a Salesforce Lightning Flow Builder master.
We'll cover:
  1. Embedding flows in Lightning Components
  2. Embedding flows in Lightning Pages
  3. Launching flows from a Button
  4. Using flows with Data Loader
  5. Scheduling flows to run on a nightly basis
  6. Assign a task to a user using a picklist
  7. Using loops, decisions, assignments, get, create, and update elements
  8. Using formulas in flows to control output
  9. Using the flow debug tool
  10. Working with screen flows
  11. Send emails with flows
  12. ...and more!
Familiarity with Salesforce Lightning is recommended, however no experience is required to take this course.
**Stay tuned for updates coming for the Summer '20 flow builder release**
Who this course is for:
  • Beginning Salesforce Admin and Developers looking to get their feet wet with Lightning Flow Builder
  • Intermediate Salesforce Professional looking to take their skills to the next level
  • Advanced Salesforce Experts looking to learn how other power users use the Flow Builder tool
  • Anyone curious about the power and possibilities of Salesforce Lightning Flow Builder
  • Salesforce Professionals in the process of studying for certifications
First release
Last update
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