Flux Academy - Figma for Web Designers

WSO Flux Academy - Figma for Web Designers

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Fast-track your journey to web design mastery with Flux Academy’s comprehensive Figma course for web designers.

Master Figma the right way with hands-on experience
Design a responsive e-commerce site from scratch step-by-step
Understand components, masks, micro animations, and more
Work smarter with variables, auto layout, plugins, and more
Get 1:1 mentor feedback to elevate your Figma skills dramatically

🤔 Unsure about how to improve your Figma skills?
🤯 Overwhelmed by Figma’s rich set of features?
⚡ Seeking a fast-track Figma course for web design?
🕒 Working inefficiently and wasting time?
⛔ Not taking advantage of the latest features?
🤨 Sick of trying to figure out the right way on your own?
🚀 Looking for shortcuts to speed up your workflows?
🥼 Seeking personalized expert feedback on your work?
🎓 Looking for a recognized certification to prove your skills?

30 Step-by-Step Videos

Master Figma through real-world scenarios and actionable lessons tailored specifically for web design projects.

Project-Based Learning

Together with your instructor Maddy, you can build an entire responsive e-commerce site from scratch using Figma.

1:1 Mentor Feedback

For 8 weeks, get personalized guidance from Flux Academy mentors to take your Figma skills to new heights.

Expert Instructor

Maddy Beard leads this course with her extensive real-world knowledge of Figma and passion for teaching design principles.

Private Community

Get an exclusive invitation to join our private community, learn from like-minded designers, and grow together.
First release
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1.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Latest reviews

If you are completely new and have never used figma then you can go for it. Very basic and lagging