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    Udemy Tableau for Beginners: Get DA Certified, Grow Your Career

    What you'll learnSort, filter, slice, pivot, and graph using a Tableau Public, a free version of the market leading visualization tool. Combine multiple data sources using joins, blends, unions, and relationships. Create bar charts, pie charts, and line graphs. Create calculated fields with...
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    Udemy ALTERYX Tutorial for Beginners 2021

    What you'll learnCreate a Smart Solution Workflow to be used for Analysis Purpose Automate Manual Task which consumes lot of time and Energy Get Data from various data sources in Alteryx Cleaning and Massaging Data for Business Intelligence tools Appending Data from Same Data Source Appending...
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    Udemy An Introduction to Online Quantitative Market Research

    What you'll learnGet an overview of the market research industry Learn how to design better surveys that don't bias or steer respondents Learn how to program surveys using industry-standard tools like Qualtrics Learn how to clean and process your data Learn how to effectively visualize and...
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    Udemy SAS Programming Complete: Learn SAS and Become a Data Ninja

    What you'll learnDiscover the data step, the primary way to program in SAS. Discover the proc step, a more specialized kind of processing that is utilized for more particular tasks. Apply SAS SQL, the SAS interpretation of SQL. Learn techniques to decrease the amount of code you have to type...
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    Udemy Ultimate Google Analytics course + 50 practical examples

    What you'll learnUnderstand how the tool works, what data is there and the most important find the business value in it Ability to make the right data decisions Know which are important Google Analytics reports Among others we'll go through 50 practical examples! You'll practice achieved...
  6. resdox

    365DataScience - Fashion Analytics with Tableau

    Fashion Analytics with Tableau This hands-on course is your entry into the world of data-driven fashion analytics. Discover the challenges and opportunities of employing advanced analytics solutions, and learn how the fashion industry giants are leveraging data to improve margins.with Elitsa...