colt steele

  1. tourist

    Udemy JavaScript Pro: Mastering Advanced Concepts and Techniques

    What you'll learnExplore Advanced JavaScript Patterns and Practices: proxy objects, observers, generators, and more Apply Advanced Functional Programming Techniques: currying, composition, and more Understand Scope, Closures, and Hoisting Work with JavaScript APIs including Intersection...
  2. R

    Udemy The Git & Github Bootcamp

    What you'll learnUnderstand how Git works behind the scenes Explain the difference Git objects: trees, blobs, commits, and annotated tags Master the essential Git workflow: adding & committing Work with Git branches Perform Git merges and resolve merge conflicts Use Git diff to reveal changes...
  3. localhost

    Udemy The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp

    What you'll learnLearn all the coding fundamentals in Python! Work through nearly 200 exercises and quizzes! Learn about all of the latest features in Python 3.6 Use Python to create an automated web crawler and scraper Make complex HTTP requests to APIs using Python Master the quirks of...
  4. localhost

    Udemy JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass

    What you'll learnLearn everything you need to ace difficult coding interviews Master dozens of popular algorithms, including 6 sorting algorithms! Implement 10+ data structures from scratch Improve your problem solving skills and become a stronger developerRequirementsBasic knowledge of...
  5. Random Guy

    Udemy The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert

    The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert Become an In-demand SQL Master by creating complex databases and building reports through real-world projects Bestseller Rating: 4.6 out of 5 4.6 (47,142 ratings) 214,463 students Created by Colt Steele, Ian Schoonover Last updated...