Neo4j:NoSQL All-IN-ONE Graph Database (Foundation, Beginner, Intermediate & Expert) | Use with Python | Challenges+Soln
What you'll learn
- Acquire the skills and understanding of Neo4j to confidently apply GraphDB to your projects
- Gain Beginner to Advanced Knowledge of Neo4j & Cypher Query Language
- Learn to Use Python to Work with Neo4j
- Pass Your Next Neo4j GraphDB Interview and Exam With Ease
- Learn to Use APOC, Predicate, Scalar, Aggregating, List, String, Mathematical Numeric, and Mathematical Trigonometric Functions In Neo4j
- Understand Regular Expressions, Pattern, Data Integrity and Queries of Different kinds.
- Understand the LOAD CSV in Great Details and Learn to Import Real Life Data To Neo4j
- Understand the Link Between SQL and GraphDB.
- Learn to Use Neo4j Professionally, Navigate Through Graph and Gain Insight Into Your Data
- Practice Extensively Along With Real Life Problems With Solutions and Q & A
- Learn Neo4j From Experienced Professional Graph Database Practitioner
- Learn to Create, Read, Update and Delete Nodes and Relationships
- Learn to Use Merge, Unwind, Range, With, Union, Limit, Where, Skip, Order By, Distinct, Match, Optional Match and Several Clauses In Neo4j
- Deep Dive Into Cypher
- and many more
- No programming experience needed - I'll teach you everything you need to know
- No paid software required - everything will be done with Neo4j Desktop and Browser (which are free)
- A Mac laptop/iMac or a Windows PC
- I'll walk you through, step-by-step on how to get Neo4j Desktop installed and set up
Who this course is for:
- This course is for you if you want to learn how to work with Neo4j - the number one most popular NoSQL Graph Database.
- This course if for you if you want to learn to use Python to work with Neo4j
- This course if for you if you want to master the in-and-out of Neo4j and use it in your next project.
- This course is for you if you are tired of Neo4j courses that are too brief or complicated.
- This course is for you if you want to learn Neo4j by doing and like exciting challenges.
- This course is for you if after studying you would like to be a Certified Neo4j Professional and also Pass a Neo4j Interview
- This course is for you if you want to distinguish yourself from the crowd.
- This course is for you if you've just discovered without Neo4j you can't do much with big data, data science, machine learning, AI, or becoming a better developer.
- All Levels