André Chaperon – Modern Marketing System

WSO André Chaperon – Modern Marketing System

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What You Get:

We find ourselves at a threshold — a changing of the guard — because the ‘Game of Marketing’ is about to change…
Modern Marketing Manifesto (M³)

We will make three promises to you.
First, we’ll tell you the truths that no one else is talking about, so you know the written — and unwritten — rules of the modern marketing game.
Not partial truths that are just enough to get you in trouble (and then think it’s your fault for doing something wrong when something goes sideways).
The whole truth.
Our second promise is all about the skills you need to be an effective modern marketer.
Everyone building a happy customer-producing business needs to master four non-negotiable skills. We’ll unpack each one and explain how they work together to (dramatically) improve your results.
Third, we’ll reveal the ‘secret sauce’ that makes our marketing so engaging and effective.
Those promises are delivered in the following four-part series:

  • (Part 1/4) Modern Marketing Manifesto (M³)
  • (Part 2/4) Modern Marketing Manifesto (M³)
  • (Part 3/4) Modern Marketing Manifesto (M³)
  • (Part 4/4) Modern Marketing Manifesto (M³)

On January 3rd, 2022 we removed all our individual courses from the market. We did this because we found that many of our students entered our world through one of these courses — which represents only a part of a greater whole — and therefore had an incomplete picture of their role as a marketer, creator, or creative professional with expertise to share.
Satoru Gojo
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