BaseLaravel - a field guide for streamlining Laravel code Updated

BaseLaravel - a field guide for streamlining Laravel code Updated

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I've been writing in Laravel since 4.1. During this time, I have automated the updating of 30,000 Laravel applications and have personally updated hundreds of Laravel codebases. If there's anything I've learned from all of this, it's that accepting the conventions and features provided by Laravel makes it easier to build and maintain your Laravel applications.

But this is not always so straightforward. There are many ways to write your application code. Even Laravel provides several ways to do the same.

Recently, I have been talking about ways to optimize Laravel on Twitter. They received a fair amount of likes and generated good discussion.

This is not just a book, it is a practical guide. BaseLaravel applies day-to-day practices to day-to-day code. There is no fluff. No theory. I am refactoring the real code to demonstrate the evolution of the code.

Each topic is neatly organized into chapters. You don't have to read cover to cover. You can choose your own adventure. If you have a codebase with a lot of controllers, read Controllers. After getting lost in the data layer, read Models. Create a variety of Blade templates, read Views .
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