[Book] Ahmad shadeed - Debugging CSS

[Book] Ahmad shadeed - Debugging CSS

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An ebook with lots of tips and techniques on how to debug CSS the right way with easy and studied methods.

I reduced the time I spend on debugging and fixing CSS bugs from hours to minutes. In this book, I will explain everything I learned about debugging and finding CSS issues.

The current scene of debugging for CSS is confusing because there is no direct and clear way to debug CSS bugs. This book is intended to clear this up for you.

What makes the book unique
  • goal.svg

    Clear and direct approach
    The book is written with the shortest possible amount of text content. It aimed for visual learners.
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    Real-life examples
    All the examples in the book are things that you face in your day to day work. Nothing is abstract.
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    140+ Custom illustrations
    I tried to include an illustration to each example in the book. A picture is worth a thousand words.
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    Made by a designer-turned developer
    What that means is you will find some little design related topics here and there.
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    The only book about debugging CSS
    No one ever wrote an article or a detailed guide about such a topic. What if there is a book about it?
  • reading.svg

    The order doesn’t matter
    Do you like reading a book from end to start? It’s fine. The book was written so you can read it with the order you like.
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