Build, Train, and Deploy Machine Learning Models with Amazon SageMaker

Pluralsight Build, Train, and Deploy Machine Learning Models with Amazon SageMaker

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Course info
Rating: 4/5 (32 reviews)
Level: Advanced
Duration 2h 40m

A fully managed machine learning service is a great place to start if you want to quickly get machine learning into your applications. In this course, Build, Train, and Deploy Machine Learning Models with Amazon SageMaker, you will gain the ability to create machine learning models in Amazon SageMaker and to integrate them into your applications. First, you’ll learn the basics and how to set up SageMaker. Next, you’ll discover how to build, train, and deploy models applied to Image Classification for breast cancer detection and how to integrate them into a REST API. Finally, you will even discover how to manage security and scalability in Amazon SageMaker. When you’re finished with this course, you will have a foundational understanding of Amazon SageMaker that will help you immensely as you move forward to create your own machine-learning-enabled applications applied to different real-life scenarios.

PATH: AWS Machine Learning / AI
First release
Last update
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