In this course you'll learn how to interact with a REST API from
The app used to retrieve the data from Food2Fork.com, but that website has been shutdown. A codingwithmitch.com community member stripped the data and published to the Heroku app listed above. Special thanks to Simran doing this!
NOTE: This course is meant to serve as an introduction to the Local Database Caching Course with MVVM, Retrofit and Room. It's strongly suggested that you watch that course after this one.
Here's the specifics of what you will see in the course:
- Communicating with a webservice (rest api) using Retrofit2
- MVVM Architecture: ViewModel, Repository, Client structure
- How to design an architecture
- Singletons
- Custom Loading Animation ProgressBar in Recyclerview
- ViewModels and AndroidViewModels
- Multiple View Types in a Recyclerview
- RecyclerView Pagination
- Building Custom Toolbars
- Customizing Toolbar Behaviors with CoordinatorLayout and AppBarLayout
- Observables, LiveData, MutableLiveData and MediatorLiveData
- Displaying Images using Glide
- CardViews
- SearchViews
- Menus
- Passing data between activities using intent extras
- Executors and Background Threads
- ThreadPools
- Network Security Config for HTTP (API 28+)
- And much more...