Master Python and JavaScript programming! Build exciting projects hands-on with industry tools PyCharm and VS Code!
What you'll learn
- Build HANDS-ON skills in Python and JavaScript
- Learn about DATA STRUCTURES and COLLECTIONS in Python and JavaScript
- Understand lists, arrays, tuples, dictionaries, sets, and data structures and HOW THEY ARE USED in computer programming
- Use PyCharm and Visual Studio Code, two industry tools that are FREE
- Create user interfaces and write computer AI programs using Python and JavaScript
- Learn how to THINK LIKE A COMPUTER PROGRAMMER and code computer programs
- Focus on practical skills and LEARN BY DOING approach in a fun, beginner-friendly way
- Taking my Computer Programming for Beginners course is a recommended prerequisite.
- Basic knowledge of Python and/or JavaScript
- A Windows computer, Linux machine, or a Mac (all software in the course is free and installation is explained step-by-step)
- Excitement and enthusiasm about learning Computer Programming
This course will build up your knowledge of Python and JavaScript with hands-on coding projects that I will build with you step-by-step.
By the end of this course you will have an understanding of the following:
- Data Structures and Collections in Computer Programming – what they are, why they are used, and how they are implemented in Python and JavaScript
- Professional industry code editors PyCharm and Visual Studio Code and the ability to navigate and code in these programs. Code more efficiently and effectively using these FREE tools!
- 2 hands-on projects that you will have created from scratch:
- A Tic Tac Toe application in Python, complete with User Interfaces, User Input Recognition, and Artificial Intelligence code so that a user can play against the computer.
- A Rock-Paper-Scissors application in JavaScript, complete with User Interfaces, User Input Recognition, and Artificial Intelligence code so that a user can play against the computer.
Section 2 of this course is Collections and Data Structures. In this section we will learn all about data structures, lists, arrays, dictionaries, tuples, and sets. We will learn what each of these is, why and how they are used, and their role in computer programming. By the end of this section you will have a solid understanding of these key programming constructs.
Section 3 is Collections and Data Structures in Python. In this section we will get hands-on exposure learning how the following data structures and collections are used in Python and the different options Python gives us to work with them:
- Data Structures
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- Tuples
- Sets
Section 4 is Collections and Data Structures in JavaScript. In this section we will get hands-on exposure learning how the following data structures and collections are used in JavaScript and the different options JavaScript gives us to work with them:
- Data Structures
- Arrays
- JavaScript Objects
Section 5 is Hands-On Python Programming. We will build our Python skills with a learn-by-doing approach as we develop a Tic Tac Toe application that allows the user to face the computer in a game of Tic Tac Toe. During this section I will walk you step by step through the different phases of building this application from looking at an overview of the project, setting up the UI, coding the user input and core program logic, coding the AI logic, and testing out the finished product. By the end of this section you will have a desktop application you built using Python.
Section 6 is Hands-On JavaScript Programming. We will build our JavaScript skills hands-on by building a Rock-Paper-Scissors web app. In this section of the course we will go through the same steps as we did in the last section for the Tic-Tac-Toe game, but use JavaScript to code a web application. By the end of this section you will have a web app that you developed using JavaScript programming.
Section 7 is the Course Summary and Wrap-Up. This section will review what we learned in the course. By the end of this section you will feel accomplished at all of the hands-on skills you built up in the course.
By the end of this course you will have a solid skill set in both Python and JavaScript programming and hands-on exposure using these languages to build small, fun applications that utilize the skills and concepts taught in this course.
This Course Features
- 7 sections of content totaling over 2 hours run-time!
- Two full hands-on projects: Tic Tac Toe (with AI) in Python and Rock-Paper-Scissors (with AI) in JavaScript
- Packed with information on some of the most important data structures and collections in computer programming, including lists, arrays, tuples, sets, dictionaries, and JavaScript Objects
- Students who took my Computer Programming for Beginners course and want to build up their Python and JavaScript skills hands-on
- Beginners interested in learning Computer Programming
- Aspiring software engineers
- Anyone who wants to learn Python or who has basic Python knowledge
- Anyone who wants to learn JavaScript or who has basic JavaScript knowledge