Create your own discord bots using java

Udemy Create your own discord bots using java

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Learn how to create your very first own discord bot

What you'll learn
  • You will learn how to create discord bots using Java
  • You will learn how to use and handle with the programming language Java
  • You will learn how to host and use your discord bot
  • You will learn how to create a custom config file
  • You will learn how to use MySQL
  • You will learn how to use IntelliJ

  • Basic understanding of Java, because this is helpful, but not required
  • Basic understanding of Discord and a Discord Account
  • A Computer with Internet Connection

My name is Pascal and I am a German Java Developer, so I already got a lot of experience in developing in Java, but for now I have focused on working around with the Discord Java API and in this course I will exactly teach you how to use Java and the Discord Java API. So yeah, in this course you will learn how to create your own custom discord bot, with a lot of custom events, features, command and much more. I will provide you many resources in each lecture, which will help your or just give the information that is required for the given lecture. Also I will teach you the basics of Java, so how to handle with datatypes, classes, packages, files and much more. So to write in Java we will use IntelliJ, it's a free software to write your projects in Java, you can also use different IDEA's for Java, but I would recommend you to use the given IDEA, because I will explain how to use and download IntelliJ. So basically you will learn everything, which will make you an advanced developer to create your real own discord bots using Java. Also just message me if you have any question or any other things you want to discuss with me, I hope I will be able to answer your question and help you out.
Who this course is for:
  • People, who are interested in creating discord bots using java
  • People, who are interested in learning how to handle with sql
  • People, who are interested in learning how to handle with the basics of Java and Discord
First release
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