R Programming for Data Science, Machine Learning and Data Analysis, Hands on Data Visualization with GGplot2 and dplyr !
What you'll learn
- Complete understanding of R programming
- Data Types, Vectors and Matrices in R
- Data Frames and Lists
- Working with Files in R
- Logical Operators, Statements and Loops
- Functions and Core Concepts in R
- Advanced R Programming
- Apply Function, Regular Expressions
- Math functions, Date and Timestamps
- Data Manipulation and Data Cleaning
- dplyr Package, Pipe Operator and tidyr Package
- Data Visualization with ggplot2
- No Prior Knowledge or Experience Needed !
This is a Comprehensive Course to Learn R Programming for Data science, Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Data Visualization !
With this course you will learn R Programming from Very Basic to Advanced Level, Here we will cover almost everything that comes under the umbrella of R Programming
Main topics you will learn,
1) R Programming Basics : Arithmetic in R, Variables in R, Data Types in R, Vectors in R, Vector Operations, Comparison Operators, Indexing and Slicing in Vectors
2) Matrices in R : Creating A Matrix, Arithmetic's in Matrix, Operations in Matrix, Indexing and Selection in Matrix, Factor Function
3) Data Frames : Data Frame Basics, Indexing and Selection in Data Frames, Data Frame Operations
4) Lists in R
5) Working with Files : Working with CSV Files and Excel Files
6) Core Programming Concepts in R : Logical Operators, if, else and else if statements, While loop, For loops, Functions in R
7) Advanced R Programming : Built in Features, Apply Function, Regular Expressions, Math functions, Date and Timestamps
8) Data Manipulation in R : dplyr Package, Pipe Operator, tidyr Package
9) Data Visualization with ggplot2
In short, this course is designed for all skill levels and even if you have no programming or statistical background you will be successful in this course !
Vijay Gadhave
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to learn R programming
- Students or professionals who wants to start learning Data Science, Machine Learning and Data Analysis