Get all our Godot courses, available and future ones included, at a discount. Level-up your game development skills with lifetime free updates!
This bundle is the ultimate offer to further your game creation skills with Godot.
It’s a pass for all our present and future Godot courses, at a lower price.
If you search for tutorials online, you know how they tend to target beginners with step-by-step instructions.
They show you how to achieve something specific without explaining why you should use their approach and not another.
We, on the other hand, focus on teaching you the techniques you need to get past tutorials and become an independent game developer.
It’s not only about the best practices using Godot, which we do experiment with and share in our courses.
We write courses to give you all the tools you need to create all sorts of games.
Because, at the end of the day, you’re learning to create your game; one that’s unlike any tutorial.
We’re creating all the resources we wish we had when we first discovered the Godot engine years ago. Content that doesn’t take you by the hand but rather takes you to the next level.

What you'll get
This bundle already covers a wide range of topics:
- 2D.
- 3D.
- Shaders.
- Visual effects (VFX).
- Procedural Content Generation (PCG).
- Specific game mechanics and systems.
- Programming patterns.
Bought individually, all courses add up to 275$. This bundle comes at 235$, which is a 40$ discount.
Also, you’ll get new courses and updates at no extra cost, so your purchase’s value will only go up.
Extra perks:
- All courses are DRM-free, you can download everything to follow offline.
- They all come with lifetime free updates.
- All the code is open-source, available under the permissive MIT license. You can reuse it even in commercial projects.
- You can ask questions on any lesson directly on the platform.

Who we are
Hi, Nathan here. I'm the guy who made the GDQuest YouTube channel where we released hundreds of free tutorial and have over 130,000 subscribers.
I’ve been helping Godot users learn the engine for years now, made many contributions, and was even hired on the official documentation. If you read the new step-by-step guide and Your First 3D Game tutorial series, I wrote them.
GDQuest itself is a Free Software project where we try to bring people together to become better game creators.
We work hard to help everyone in the games industry have access to quality tools, demos, and education for Free and Open Source Software.
We’re a team of developers and teachers who believe in Free Software, and we all love Godot.