Hello Rails (v7 for rails v7.x + books)

Hello Rails (v7 for rails v7.x + books)

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This is the compressed version ~ 1.33GB only. It uses rails v7.x I have also added the pragmatic books about rails v7, sidekiq (background jobs), and the pragmatic programmer 2nd ed books.

With a focus on actually building out a modern real-world idea (a reddit clone), this course teaches you Ruby on Rails, a tried and true web application framework, from the ground up.

Ruby on Rails is a web application framework focused on convention over configuration. Conventions are easier to follow, learn, and help make resolving errors a no-nonsense process. With Ruby on Rails in your tool belt, there’s no application idea you can’t approach ready to take head-on.

Who is this course for?

This course is for you if you started on a typical Rails tutorial and aren’t quite getting it. Maybe you’re more of a visual learner (or designer) like me. Maybe you have a goal in mind to build out a prototype of your latest idea for an app. If any of those strike a bell then this course is a great fit for you.

Those looking to expand their skill offering​

Maybe you’re tired of building WordPress websites, Maybe you’re sick of other programming languages and want a fresh start, or maybe you’re just researching frameworks to help launch your next idea, Ruby on Rails is a great choice for you.

Those who want to bring an idea to life​

Maybe you’re a designer with front-end experience looking to build an app idea from start to finish but don't know how (this was how I approached Rails initially). You can reference this course as a way to hit the ground running in efforts to scale your idea fast. Save time and get validation of your idea much quicker than other frameworks (aka build a production-worthy MVP).

What if I'm already familiar with rails?​

Whether you are a Ruby on Rails pro or completely new to the framework, you can easily get something out of this course. While it’s focused more towards newcomers, I’ll be discussing real-world problems Ruby on Rails developers face day in and day out. If you're already a pro, this might not be the course for you.
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  1. Hello Rails for rails v7 version

    Added new videos, including bonus + current version of site. Targeting rails v7.0.3. (1.33GB)...