Kody White - Youtube Money Master

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My TOP Student Is Well On His Way To A 7-Figure Income On Youtube Without EVER Touching a Camera OR Showing Your Face

7 Figure Mentor

Passive Income Automation

NO Camera Needed

Why Stop at 1…?

learn to have more channels, more income streams, and more sellable assets…

YT Money Master Course

More Subscribers, More Views, And More Revenue… No Matter What Niche You Choose!)

+ Hours of Sep-By-Step 7 Figure Training (Value at $4,997)

$60,000 In 60 Days Student Case Study (Value at $1,997)

25+ Insanely Profitable and High CPM Niches (Value at $997)

There’s no theory. There’s no fluff. This is the real deal!

Again, it’s all straight from my experience with years of study, research, and trial and error along the way (along with more than a few mistakes)… and, making a lot of money too!

From: Kody White

RE: How to INSTANTLY Increase Subscribers, Views, AND Revenue… NOW!!

Does This Sound Familiar…

You’ve got a dream to make your fortune online. Maybe that means creating your OWN source of online revenue, one that requires no hours, no upfront investment, and no college education…

You’re tired of seeing others live their dream life on social media when you KNOW you’re smarter than they are and you’ve got what it takes. Maybe you’ve thought about becoming a “Youtuber” but the thought of being in front of a camera or people liking you creates fear…

You’ve probably heard “Youtubers” brag about the millions of dollars they made. They all seem to have an “I made a million dollars and look how cool I am” story. It makes you want to bang your head against a wall because it all feels so out of reach!

Maybe your dream is to travel the world, or to become friends with famous people, or maybe your dream is just to get something going so you can pay your bills each month and have a nice chunk left over (instead of working a second job just to make ends meet).

Whichever level you want to hit, it’s a sure bet you’d like to do it quickly and on “auto-pilot” so you can enjoy your life and family… instead of working all the time!

In the past, you may have experienced failure trying to start your own online business and now what really petrifies you is potentially wasting a ton of time and money (like you may have done before).

I want you to understand one thing right now!

NONE Of This Is Your Fault!

You just don’t know the formulas that actually work to build and scale an online revenue source in today’s fast-paced world… YET! It’s not that you’re not smart enough or lack the ability or will power to “make it happen.”

The actual issue is you’ve just not learned what the “Professional Youtubers” know, but won’t (or can’t) teach you.

But, the great news for you is I’m going to show you how to increase your Subscribers, Views, and Revenue instantly (with the channel you already have… or even if you haven’t started yet!)

Bottom line: Youtube Monetization is a LOT easier than you think once you know the formulas!

Oh and one more thing…

Rather than keep trying to sell you on the “how I made a million dollars” story (which I can easily do).

I am going to tell you a quick story about 2 Niche Youtube Channels that changed my life… these ones made me an extra $11,000 bucks a month.

I was living in Arizona at my Moms…. Lame Right? All my friends had got their own places and I was stuck trying to figure out what I was good at, but at the end of the day I was poor, living at my moms. I was poor, but I also had a dream. A dream to have something that didn’t require me to trade time for money as a “wage slave” – which is exactly what I was doing at the time delivering pizzas and hustling odd jobs.

You see, I’d always thought about being a famous Youtuber, I even had friends that were currently living a dream life all because of Youtube. Problem was, I’d never worked a camera and I froze once one was pointed at me. I honestly don’t even know how many videos I attempted to make before realizing I would NEVER be famous… but then I figured out a “secret” that would change my life forever.

That’s when I learned about faceless Compilation Youtube channels… niche channels. I uncovered secrets about how people were making 6-7 figures by uploading compilation videos to niche Youtube channels without ever using a camera or showing their face… AND it was all on automation.

Then I made a decision that changed my life…

“I Decided To Go ALL in And Uncover Everything I Needed To Master Faceless Youtube Monetization…”

On December of 2017 I learned about Monetized Niche Compilation Youtube Channels.

That’s when the lightbulb went off for me and I “got it.” I converted converted all my time and energy to figuring out EXACTLY what these people were doing to make a 6-7 Figure income…

What happened?

On January of 2018 I created my first 2 Channels and got to work!

In just one short month of applying what I had learned, my channels had generated me a little over $11,000 bucks in one month!

Now $11,000 may not sound like much, but it made me feel like the richest man on earth! That $11,000 a month enabled me to move out of moms basement and cover a lease payment, two car payments, and the my bills!

That $11,000 a month changed my life more than anything else I’ve ever done… more than being around celebrities every day… more than being able to live in a 12,000 sq ft mansion… and more than going from being broke to living my dream life in Los Angeles getting to do whatever I want, whenever I want.

All that other stuff is amazing. But not as cool as those first successful channels. That first Youtube Check.. when I believed in myself enough to feel in my soul “I really can do this. People around the world will subscribe to my channels.”

The best part about my whole discover, is that I realized anyone could do this, and the amount of channels you can create to generate you revenue is LIMITLESS… that’s right.

The sky is the limit!

That $11,000 a month changed my life more than anything else I’ve ever done… more than being around celebrities every day… more than being able to live in a 12,000 sq ft mansion… and more than going from being broke to living my dream life in Los Angeles getting to do whatever I want, whenever I want.

All that other stuff is amazing. But not as cool as those first successful channels. That first Youtube Check.. when I believed in myself enough to feel in my soul “I really can do this. People around the world will subscribe to my channels.”

The best part about my whole discover, is that I realized anyone could do this, and the amount of channels you can create to generate you revenue is LIMITLESS… that’s right.

The sky is the limit!

“People You Don’t Know Will Watch Your Videos, And You Will Get Paid…”

It hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized “I can actually make money online… and if I can do it at $11,000 bucks a month, I can do it at a higher level!”

Those two channels changed my life the most because it opened my eyes to the fact that I needed to embark on a quest to figure out how to get really good at scaling channels to build my business… not someone else’s business!

Compilation Niche Youtube Channels held the keys to unlock the success I wanted!

And you know what? With a LOT of study, hard work, and experimentation online (along with a my fair share of trial and error) over the last 2 years I have gotten really good at scaling channels!

I’ve been fortunate enough to:

Create over 15 monetized 6 Figure Channels

Made over $1,000,000 from Youtube Monetization without ever touching a camera or showing my face

Help hundreds of people JUST LIKE YOU do the same thing

But here’s something you may not realize, especially if you think you can just create a Youtube Channel, upload a video, and watch the money pour in… It requires the secrets I have discovered.

The thing the vast majority of people don’t understand is that most of the really good Youtube Channel Millionaires… will NEVER share their secrets.

That’s right! They don’t want competition.

Why would they give away their secrets for a thousand dollars when they can build one for themselves and potentially make $1 million or more?

For me it’s different.. I believe their has to be a pioneer, someone to lead the way and share an opportunity with the masses. Eventually SOMEONE will share the secrets, so I wanted to be the first!

It’s True! Now YOU Can Make A 6-7 Figure Income, Just Like The Pros!

And here’s more great news!

First, getting good at Youtube Monetization doesn’t mean you have to spend years figuring it out like I did. Great Channels leave clues… they have patterns… they follow formulas everyone, including you, can use to get great results… FAST!

Second, not only will you not have to struggle for years, but you have a unique opportunity right now to get all of those clues, formulas, and patterns when you join my YT Money Master Course.

Members Are Seeing RESULTS!!!

Do You Want To Miss Out On The MONEY?

Claim Your Spot In Our

“YT Money Master Course”


5+ Hours of Sep-By-Step 7 Figure Training (Value at $4,997)

$60,000 In 60 Days Student Case Study (Value at $1,997)

25+ Insanely Profitable and High CPM Niches (Value at $997)

There’s no theory. There’s no fluff. This is the real deal!

Again, it’s all straight from my experience with years of study, research, and trial and error along the way (along with more than a few mistakes)… and, making a lot of money too!
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