Learn eksctl, CDK, Fargate, Spot Instances, Container Insights, Grafana, Ingress Controllers, Kubernetes Dashboard, CSI
What you'll learn
- Deploy Kubernetes using eksctl
- Deploy Kubernetes using CDK
- Learn how to use Spot Instances with EKS
- Learn how to use Fargate with EKS
- EKS monitoring using Container Insights, Grafana and Prometheus
- Scaling EKS Cluster
- Kubernetes Dashboard Deployment
- Learn how to use kube2iam and ExternalDNS
- Deploy Stateful application with EBS CSI
- Basic knowledge of AWS
- A valid AWS account
- Basic knowledge of Kubernetes
Welcome to Kubernetes on AWS using Amazon EKS course.
This course is completely focused on Amazon EKS - which is a manged Kubernetes service provided by AWS. In addition to EKS specific features, you will also learn basics building blocks of Kubernetes.
You will be fully equipped with Kubernetes and especially Amazon EKS concepts after you finish this course.
In this course, you will learn how to
- Provision EKS using AWS Console, CDK and eksctl
- Upgrade EKS Cluster using eksctl
- Configure Fargate with EKS
- Configure Spot Instances with EKS
- Map IAM users and roles to Kubernetes RBAC
- Deploy ALB and Nginx Ingress controllers
- Deploy kube2iam and ExternalDNS
- Deploy and Configure Kubernetes Dashboard
- Scale your EKS Cluster with Cluster Autoscaler, HPA and VPA approaches
- Logging and Monitoring using Cloudwatch Container Insights, Grafana and Prometheus
- Stateful deployments with EBS backed persistent storage
- Container Storage Interface (CSI) provisioner
Who this course is for:
- AWS DevOps Engineers and Architects
- Kubernetes Developers and Administrators who want to explore EKS
- Anyone who wants to learn EKS