An accelerated ride to a new galaxy of creativity. Are you familiar with HTML / CSS but new to JavaScript or React? This course is especially for you! Save time! Study only what is important.
12 modules, 18 selected examples
- Javascript : ES6
- React : Components, Hooks, State, Props
- Framer : Framer Motion, Overrides, Workflow
- basics of programming
- objects, functions, variables, arrays, array destructuring
- styling components
- animation, transition, options
- objects, scope, conditions
- component composition
- drag, animate, transform
- expressions, data types
- onMouseMove, hooks, the true face of JSX
- useMotionValue, useTransform
- Arrow functions, trinary operator,
- onMouseMove, Hooks
- useMotionValue, useTransform, useSpring
- object destructuring
- state, debug, components - printers, custom hooks
- the true face of useCycle
- async / await, promise
- step animation, keyframes
- custom hooks
- useParallax hooks, useMotionValue
- overrides, property management, design and code components
- JSON import, data fetch, object iteration, array functions, error handling
- useEffect, conditional rendering
- mount and unmount, "key" prop
- motion tags, AnimatePresence, positionTransition
- Math functions
- motion.path, pathLength, pathOffset, onPan