- Extra Resources
- Part 8 Will be upload soon with new Episodes

Courses Included in this part 4
Sara Blakely Teaches Self-Made Entrepreneurship
Serena Williams Teaches Tennis
Shonda Rhimes Teaches Writing for Television
Simone Biles Teaches Gymnastics Fundamentals
Spike Lee Teaches Filmmaking
Stephen Curry Teaches Shooting, Ball-Handling, and Scoring
Steve Martin Teaches Comedy
Thomas Keller Teaches Cooking Techniques
Thomas Keller Teaches Cooking Techniques II - Meats Stocks and Sauces
Thomas Keller Teaches Cooking Techniques III - Seafood, Sous Vide, and Desserts
Timbaland Teaches Producing And Beatmaking
Tom Morello Teaches Electric Guitar
Usher Teaches the Art of Performance
Werner Herzog Teaches Filmmaking
Will Wright Teaches Game Design and Theory
Wolfgang Puck Teaches Cooking