The Ultimate cPanel Mastery Course that you can ever take
What you'll learn
- Understanding Interface
- File Manager
- Images Management
- Directory Privacy
- Disk Usage
- Git Version Control
- FTP Accounts and FTP Connections
- Backups and Backup Wizard
- phpmyadmin
- MySQL Databases and MySQL Database Wizard
- Remote MySQL
- Domain Management
- Addon Domains, Sub Domains, Aliases
- Redirects
- Zone Editor
- Email Account Creation and Configurations
- Plus Addressing or subaddressing
- Default Address Setup
- Forwarders, Auto Responders
- Email Filters and Global Email Filters
- Email Disk Usage
- Address Importer
- Virtual Mailbox
- Mailing Lists
- Email Deliveability
- Track Delivery
- Spam Filters
- Encryption
- Email Routing
- Metrics for Visitors
- Checking of Errors
- Bandwidth Metrics
- Raw Access Logs
- Awstats, Analog Stats
- Webalizer, Webalizer FTP
- Metrics Editor
- Resource Usage
- SSH Access
- IP Blocker
- Managing SSL/TLS
- SSL/TLS Satus
- Hotlink Protection
- Leech Protection
- Manage API Tokens
- Two-Factor Authentication
- PHP PEAR Packages
- Peal Modules
- MultiPHP Manager
- MultiPHP INI Editor
- Select PHP Version
- Cron Jobs
- Track DNS
- Manage Indexes
- Custom Error Pages
- MIME Types
- Virus Scanner
- Password & Security
- Change Language
- Change Style
- Contact Information
- User Manager
- Site Publisher
- Softaculous Apps Installer
- Site Software
- None
In this course you will be learning all the features of cPanel in details.
The course has many real life examples and examples.
Here you Learn how to use cPanel, from beginner basics to advanced techniques and master cPanel.
You will learn how use the everyday tasks a web developer or webmaster needs to know. These tasks include managing files, security, PHP configurations, Installation of Software, DNS, MySQL databases, email accounts and much much more.
Who this course is for:
- IT Manager, Support Person, Hosting Companies, Web Hosting Manager