Neil Patel - Advanced Marketing Program

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Who Is Neil Patel?

He is a New York Times Bestselling author. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. He was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations.

FIRST we need to talk about a couple “myths” that I also faced when I first started my journey as an entrepreneur.

Myth #1
It Worked For Them, But it Won’t Work For Me Because….[INSERT B.S.].
If that thought has ever crossed your mind, then you are hurting yourself with some pretty bad B.S. (Belief Systems).
You see…with that type of mindset you are SABOTAGING yourself and not even giving yourself a chance to succeed.
The reality is things take TIME…
When something doesn’t work it doesn’t mean it’s broken — it means you need to “pivot” or “iterate” and shift.
The strategies I teach WILL work for you, but only if you believe they will and are willing to pivot and shift when necessary.
I know one thing for sure, and that is that nothing beats EXPERIENCE.
Accessing someone else’s proven methods is a shortcut, because rather than failing on your own you can learn from their failures and experiences.

Myth #2
I need a lot of money to truly scale my business and implement marketing tactics.
When I first started to learn about digital marketing I was a teenager—just 16 years old.
I had already been burned once by a marketing agency, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I was what you’d call a “scrappy entrepreneur” and was simply bootstrapping my business.

No funding, no big budgets. Just me and a laptop.

I’ve learned a lot since then, and if there’s one thing you should know about me it’s that I can’t stand OVERPAYING for anything. I love a good deal and strategies that pay more value.

Please pay attention to this now…

Marketing is like INVESTING. Some activities require some cash upfront, and others are just about making small deposits over a long period of time.
The reality is that much of your marketing requires ZERO cash.
The point is to implement the activities that you CAN right now, build your business, and then re-invest your profits back into the business.
THEN, once you have additional cash, you can choose to spend more on marketing (like I do now).
For example, I now allocate a significant amount of my budget on YouTube advertising (and I’d put in more if they’d let me), but it wasn’t this way before.
FIRST I implemented the basics, which you’ll learn about in my Advanced Marketing Program.
Once I got traction I began to hire contractors, buy traffic, spend money on ads, and more.

The Advanced Marketing Program

My 45-Module Course for Creating, Scaling, and Automating Your Business Using My Secret Marketing Tactics
45 Modules of Training over 12 Months
Learning Through: Audio, Video, Written Exercises, Cheat Sheets and Manual Guides
Everything broken down into Easy Pieces

The Big Promise:

In just the first 90 days, you can be in the top 10% of all online businesses by implementing just one tactic: a bulletproof sales process and infrastructure.
The BEST part? You don’t need to be super smart or savvy to use my business roadmap.
In fact, people that just follow the steps without overanalyzing tend to do better. So DON’T OVERTHINK the process, just take small steps every day.
And even if you do already consider yourself smart or savvy with marketing, keep an open mind and follow the straightforward structure.
This IS the path to breaking through and getting results!
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