Python | 100 programming exercises + solutions | Data Types

Udemy Python | 100 programming exercises + solutions | Data Types

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Improve your Python programming skills by solving 100 data types exercises

What you'll learn
  • Solve 100 coding exercises for learning or improving Python data types (str, int, tuple, list, set, dict)
  • Gain necessary experience needed for problem solving
  • Coding Tips & Tricks

  • Basic knowledge of Python

Unlike other online courses, this course will guide you through a series of programming tasks to solve. You will find 100 coding exercises for learning or improving the following Python data types:
  • string
  • number
  • tuple
  • list
  • set
  • dictionary
Every programming exercise has a proposed answer so you can verify your solution. The proposed solution complies with the current coding standards used in Python.
The exercises answer the most frequently asked questions by beginner Python programmers about data types. You will find assignments for both beginners and more experienced people.
One of the most effective ways of learning or improving programming skills is by solving coding tasks. This course will help you to verify and test your knowledge of Python data types.
Who this course is for:
  • People who have basic knowledge of Python and would like to improve their programming skills
  • People who would like to boost their problem solving skills
  • People who would like to test their Python knowledge
First release
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