Rock the JVM - Akka Remoting and Clustering with Scala

Rock the JVM - Akka Remoting and Clustering with Scala

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For Scala and Akka developers: write jet distributed systems with remote actors, Akka Clustering and Scala.

In this course, we'll learn how to write really distributed systems with powerful remouting and Akka clustering. You'll write 1,500 lines of Akka code yourself, and you'll become a rock star. You'll explore the power of remote actors and clusters, including Cluster Singleton and Cluster Sharding, which usually take months (even years) to master.

This course is designed for Scala/Akka programmers who need to develop high-performance, large-scale, reactive distributed systems.

You probably already know Akka:

  • accelerates the development of parallel applications by 10 times
  • its demand is huge
  • it's a very sought-after skill
  • It's incredibly fun - power is in your hands!
I like to get to the bottom of it and get things done. This course

  • deconstructs all concepts in critical parts that you need
  • selects the most important ideas and divides them into simple but important
  • applies everything in live code
The ultimate benefits are still much greater:

  • a whole new mental model around distributed systems, remote actors and clustering
  • more in-demand resume
  • More nice work - Akka is fun!
This course is designed for experienced programmers with experience with Scala and Akka at the Rock the JVM course level. I assume a solid understanding of the general basics of programming.

This course is NOT for you if

  • You've never written a Scala code before
  • You've never worked with Akka.
The course is exhaustive and you will always see how I go straight to the point. So make sure you have a good level of concentration and a desire to become a cool programmer.

I think both theory and practice are important. That's why you'll get lectures with code examples, demonstrations, and real-life assignments, as well as additional resources, instructions, exercises, and solutions.
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