TeamTreehouse -  CSS Complete Course Plus Workshop & Practice Series

TeamTreehouse - CSS Complete Course Plus Workshop & Practice Series

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Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) forms the presentational layer of web pages. CSS allows you to apply visual styling to HTML elements with colors, fonts, layouts, and more.

The Course you will get in this Complete file is follows:-

  1. Animating SVG with CSS
  2. Bootstrap Basics
  3. Build a Responsive Navigation with Flexbox
  4. Create a Fullscreen Slider with CSS
  5. Create a Modal Window with CSS
  6. Create an Accordion Menu with CSS
  7. Create Tooltips with CSS
  8. Creating a CSS Marquee
  9. CSS Basics
  10. CSS Best Practices
  11. CSS Blend Modes
  12. CSS Clipping Paths
  13. CSS Flexbox Layout
  14. CSS Grid Layout
  15. CSS Layout
  16. CSS Masks
  17. CSS Selectors
  18. CSS to Sass
  19. CSS Transitions and Transforms
  20. Debugging CSS with Chrome DevTools
  21. Enhancing Design with CSS
  22. Introduction to PostCSS
  23. Media Queries
  24. Mobile-First CSS Layout
  25. Modular CSS with Sass
  26. Practice CSS Floats
  27. Practice CSS Grid Columns, Rows and Gaps
  28. Practice CSS Selectors
  29. Practice Flexible CSS Grid Layout
  30. Practice Grid Template Areas
  31. Practice Media Queries
  32. Practice The CSS Box Model
  33. Process Sass with Scout-App
  34. Responsive Layouts
  35. Sass Basics
  36. The CSS calc() Function
  37. Treehouse Club CSS
  38. Using CSS Variables
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