Twitter - JavaScript Quick Reply ChatBot & 100% automation

Udemy Twitter - JavaScript Quick Reply ChatBot & 100% automation

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Create Customer Engagement Chatbot, Direct Messages with Quick replies, Auto Like and Auto Retweet. Send tweets with API

What you'll learn
  • A-Z of Twitter Automation using twitter developer API
  • Create Customer Engagement App (Chatbot)
  • Auto Send Welcome Message to new followers as Direct Message
  • Add Nested Quick Replies to Welcome Message
  • Uploading Media and Attaching it to Welcome Message and Status updates.
  • Auto Like Tweets | Track Keywords and #Tags to get genuine followers fast
  • Auto Retweet to get genuine followers fast
  • Post Tweets with Media and Deeplink Button using Twitter API
  • Twitter Streaming API
  • Twitter Account Activity API
  • Twitter Tweet API
  • Javascript ASYNC/AWAIT pattern and resolving promises used.

  • Twitter Account
  • Minimal NodeJS | Can replicate without Coding knowledge by editing code and following instructions.

We will use NodeJS for development of bots but non programmers can follow the steps and create their own bot by simply modifying the code. We will use latest Twitter Developer
  • Deploy Bots in free tier Amazon Web Services EC2 instances and run it without cost for 12 months.
  • Automation for Customer/Client Experience (Customer Engagement Chatbot):
    We will create a complete twitter automation bot to send Welcome Messages to new followers with Media and Quick Replies Attached to it. Then we will add answers to each quick reply option selected by followers. This feature can be extended upto 20 Quick reply options and can be used to automate FAQs and to provide information like Order status, Listing new products and providing information for each product, Getting information from Database and providing it back to user etc.
  • Automation to get genuine followers and faster
    Under this section we will create a twitter bot to track certain #tags and keywords of your choice in real time. We will capture such tweets and favorite (Like) them then retweet them. This is the most proven method to get genuine and targeted followers the fastest way. "The more you like and retweet and follow , the more people follow you back"
  • Send status update(your own tweets) using twitter API:
    In this section we will:
    • Use Twitter APIs to send out tweets and attach media to it.
    • Use Twitter APIs to send out tweets and attach deeplink button to welcome message in DM window.
  1. All the above bots can be run in parallel and extended as per individual use cases.
  2. Source code of all the hands-on coding will is attached to Each lecture.

Who this course is for:
  • People looking to Get more followers on twitter
  • People looking to provide great customer experience to new clients/ followers with chatbot
  • People looking to develop apps using Twitter APIs
  • Practical application of ASYNC/AWAIT JavaScript pattern
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