What you'll learn
- Understand all the concepts about Webpack
- Know key differences between Webpack 1 and Webpack 2
- Understand how web browsers cache content
- Know how to use long term caching
- How to use css inside of Javascript
- Use ESLint in their projects
- Break web apps into multiple entry points
- Use React with Webpack
- Use Angular with Webpack
- Learn the importance of SourceMaps and how to use them
- Create optimized production builds
- Minify Javascript and CSS
- Embed images using DataURI
- Use YAML as config files
- Learn about the fastest package manager called YARN developed at Facebook
- Deploying Static content with Surge
- Use Webpack 1
- Use Webpack 2
- Use SASS
- Use CoffeeScript
- Use TypeScript
- The basics of Javascript
Webpack by far the best and greatest tool for front end development. It is a module bundler suitable for both large or small single-page web applications.
In this course you will fully understand and master all the aspects you need to know about this awesome tool. You will learn all the different configuration options allowing you customise Webpack to work the way you want for your own projects.
This is the most detailed course on Webpack ever created. You will learn both Webpack 1 and 2, so that you understand the key differences between the versions.
The topics you will are:
- Running a Webpack build
- Setting up loaders and presets
- Configuring webpack-dev-server
- CSS, SASS & Bootstrap
- Adding entry points
- Bundling vendor files
- Production Builds
- Long term caching
- Deployment
- This course is for students who know nothing about webpack.
- This course is for students who want to better architect their web applications.
- This course if for students who want to master webpack
- This course is for students who wish to use languages other than javascript in their projects. i.e. typescript, CoffeeScript & ES6
- This course for students who want to use ReactJS for their next web application.