Deep Tissue Massage: Myofascial Release Certificate Course

Udemy Deep Tissue Massage: Myofascial Release Certificate Course

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This course will change how you think of Deep Tissue Massage using a "whole body" Myofascial approach (2CEUs)

What you'll learn​

  • Perform deep tissue massage and advanced massage techniques with greater confidence and intelligence
  • Learn a "body wide" holistic approach to treating with highly effective techniques
  • Learn techniques that will be with you your entire career and will help you grow as a therapist
  • This course will help you to develop a thorough understanding of Deep Tissue Massage and an efficiency in solving chronic musculoskeletal imbalances


  • none


In this Deep Tissue Massage: Myofascial Release Course, Mike Everson, Manual Osteopath, Registered Massage Therapist, and Yoga Teacher, will guide you through how to deliver techniques that consider a "body wide" approach.
If you do not offer Deep Tissue Massage as part of your practice yet, you are missing out on a great opportunity to attract many clients with this insanely popular service, grow your business, create gratitude, good health and well-being for many people. Once your clients experience these Myofascial Release Techniques, they will love it. This unique service will be in high demand.
This course will teach you the Myofascial Release system which focuses on how to flow from one technique to the other in an intelligent and methodical way to alleviate common musculoskeletal ailments.
In this massage course you are going to learn:
> Advanced Myofascial Release Techniques
> How to give a deep and effective treatment
> Learn the most satisfying and internationally loved form of Deep Tissue Therapy
> Master a "body wide" approach to Massage Therapy
> Achieve expert status in Deep Tissue Massage
The most important aspect to any manual therapist is the quality of their treatments, because without the ability to deliver great services, most therapists will not succeed and be taken over by the competition in this competitive industry. After being in the industry for well over a decade I'm able to boil down what are practical and effective ways to treat the body so that you don't have to waste time. This course will be an essential part of your journey in massage therapy to becoming successful and well rounded therapist.
Enroll now! grow your knowledge base and practice today!

Who this course is for:​

  • Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Bodyworkers, Personal Trainers, Spa Therapists, Enthusiasts
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