Kent C. Dodds - Epic React (Epic React Pro)

Kent C. Dodds - Epic React (Epic React Pro)

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Course Updated 11-2021

*Separate fixed update folder will be added within 24 hours if you need only updates wait

* if you are new download full course


* 163 no audio [Fixed]
* 114 has audio track from other video [Fixed]
* 170 and 171 are the same video but with a different title [Fixed]
All videos Added :) ;)

The main core of the course is fixed, 3 more fixes waiting to be released:

  • 1- 163 no audio
  • 2- 114 has audio track from other video
  • 3- 170 and 171 are the same video but with a different title
Added More 52 Videos

211 videos left Will Upload them Later
Added More 50 Videos

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